
This file will attempt to expose the PHYSICAL_PATH & VIRTUAL_PATH to your APPLICATION ROOT that can be used to fill in the constants by those names required in config_inc.php (located initially in the inc_0700 folder)

Likely PHYSICAL_PATH (verified 2 ways, via SCRIPT_FILENAME and __PATH__):
Use the above path (in green) as the PHYSICAL_PATH constant inside config_inc.php.


Use the above path (in blue) as the VIRTUAL_PATH constant inside config_inc.php.

After Editing config_inc.php: Once you have edited config_inc.php, come back to this page and try the following link:


If the page shows a complete page with a header and footer, likely your config_inc.php file was edited properly! If you see error messages, read the error message and prepare to re-edit your config_inc.php file.

Once All is Working: Once the above link shows a complete error free page, rename the index_new.php file to index.php. That will replace this file as the index page for your application. A backup of this file is named config_test.php, and its in the application root as well (same folder). This file should be moved from the web space into a safe location, unreachable via the web.

Error Messages: This file also attempts to show you whether or not errors are currently visible in this space. If errors are not currently visible, this page will offer advice on what to do next (below).

By default, display_errors is: OFF
By default you should not be able to view PHP errors from this folder.
However, you may be able to place a custom php.ini file in the root of your application space, which could contain a single line of code:

display_errors = 1

Not all hosting companies allow a custom php.ini however. If that is true, you may need to use the error log to view errors. It is worth researching the FAQ then contacting the hosting company to find out how they recommend you troubleshoot PHP on their servers.

By default error logging (log_errors) is turned: ON
Default error logging path
You may currently view PHP errors at the location above, by default.

Able to change error log path via ini_set(): TRUE
We were successful at changing the error log path manually. This can be done by you by using ini_set("error_log","path/to/error/log/file") in which you identify an existing physical path to an error file.
You may not need to do this as the config_inc.php file handles error logging.

Changing any setting using ini_set() must be done on every page (hence our config file)

Custom php.ini file: Sometimes the best (and most flexible) results of all come from being allowed to create your own custom php.ini file. However this is frequently not supported by shared hosting packages. Check to see if your hosting company supports a custom php.ini file. Some folks even compile their own version of PHP, which would then have it's own php.ini file. This is sometimes done (although not supported) at Dreamhost, and is what you would do if you had a dedicated server.